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Mitigate automated threats

Sophisticated bot attacks are surging and more challenging to detect and deter than ever. They steal sensitive data, drain resources, slow systems, impact customer experience, and engage in fraud, causing financial losses and reputational damage.

Analyst recognized leader

Imperva has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Bot Management, Q2 2022 report.

Your ally in the fight

Get dedicated support from a team of expert bot analysts with more experience fighting bad bots than any competing solution.

Customer satisfaction

"The hands-off, proactive approach saves our company two to three man-days per month and is much more effective than the ‘whack-a-mole’ approach."

Bot traffic is a business risk

Unmanaged bot traffic can severely impact business:

Bot traffic is a business risk mobile
  • Proprietary content and price scraping

    Bots scrape proprietary content and pricing, affecting the bottom line and damaging reputation.

  • Large Learning Models (LLMs)

    Content scraping and theft by bot-driven LLMs used to train AI on proprietary data.

  • Account takeover

    Bad actors use bots to gain illegal access to user accounts, commit fraud, and steal sensitive information.

  • Inventory hoarding/scalping

    Resellers target limited-availability, high-demand items using bots to gain an unfair advantage over legitimate human users.

  • Marketing analytics

    Automated traffic can significantly skew analytics, lead to ad fraud, and cause poor decision-making.

  • Security risk

    Attackers deploy bots for surveillance, looking for vulnerabilities and exploits in applications and APIs.

  • Site performance

    Unwanted bot traffic results in degraded site performance, risking potential downtime.

Bot management as adaptable as the threat

A holistic approach to bot management, combining superior technology, vigilant service, and industry expertise to provide complete visibility and control over human, good, and bad bot traffic.

Bot management as adaptable as the threat mobile
  • Platform advantage

    A single-stack solution combining best-of-breed application security products to secure all your assets.

  • Superior technology

    Multilayered detection that includes reputational models, behavioral analysis, advanced proprietary challenges, and machine learning.

  • Adaptability

    Granular controls empower rapid response to evolving bot evasion techniques.

  • Vigilant service

    Dedicated support from a team of expert bot analysts with more experience fighting bad bots than anyone else.

  • Community Intelligence

    Shared global intelligence across all Imperva-protected sites, allowing real-time response to the latest threats.

  • Frictionless user experience

    Keep unwanted traffic at bay while ensuring continuous availability for legitimate users.

Protect your business from the impact of sophisticated bot attacks

Reduce costs

Reduce the risk of malicious, bot-driven attacks resulting in significant costs and noncompliance with data privacy regulations.

Buy down risk

Mitigate the risk of client-side data breaches, which could result in your customers’ most sensitive data falling into the hands of bad actors.

Improve customer experience

Block unwanted traffic without imposing unnecessary friction on legitimate consumers and improve conversion rates.

How Imperva can help you intelligently manage bot traffic

Advanced Bot Protection

Protects websites, mobile apps, and APIs from sophisticated automated attacks without affecting legitimate users.

Web Application Firewall

Best-in-class, PCI-certified WAF offering stops web application attacks with near-zero false positives.

API Security

Provides continuous protection of all APIs using deep discovery and classification of sensitive data.