WP Enhancing Security Ecosystem Integration | Imperva DSF

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Data Security Fabric integrates with you existing security ecosystem

Leverage DSF automated workflows to deliver both incident context and additional data capabilities

Our approach: unified data-centric protection

Gain the most complete visibility into your end-to-end data risk exposure

Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) provides over 260 built-in integrations with other widely used enterprise security infrastructure systems–including traditional SIEM solutions, CMDB tools, enterprise SOAR platforms, web application firewalls, and more.

Our approach is to unify the protection of data by taking a “data-centric” approach to security. Imperva’s strategy means that we provide a single, unified view of all data security events across your entire organization, regardless of where the data resides or what security tools are currently being used to protect it.

With this visibility into your data, you can start taking control of user access, organizational processes, and application security–while enabling disparate IT teams with, heretofore siloed and inconsistent access to data stores, the ability to unlock new business innovations and insights.

Security Automation diagram
Security Automation diagram

Data-level SOAR integration: built-in playbooks offer a mature approach to data breach prevention

Traditional data activity monitoring and logging tools flood security operations center (SOC) teams with low-value data and alerts, creating a significant data security challenge for organizations. An excess of low-confidence information can give rise to bottlenecks in event-level workflow communications as SOC teams struggle to prioritize alerts for remediation and decide which anomalous events warrant investigation. Manual steps are often required to enter these incidents into the organization’s Security, Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platform, introducing more delays, disorganization, and potential for errors.

With automation provided by Imperva DSF playbooks, you can easily integrate high-value threat alerts with SOAR platforms to streamline and accelerate incident response processes. Imperva Data Risk Analytics (DRA) can automatically detect and classify data security incidents, trigger appropriate actions, and accelerate incident investigation and resolution.

soar diagram
soar diagram

2,000+ SOAR integrations

logo mongoDB light
logo couchbase light
logo cockroach light
logo snowflake light
logo neo4j light
logo hadoop light
logo informix light
logo cassandra light
logo cloudera light
logo teradata light
logo aerospike light
logo sybase light
logo datastax light
logo marklogic light
logo kinetica light
logo redis light
logo percona light
logo intersystems light
logo yugabytedb light
logo sap hana light

Imperva DSF can optimize your Splunk installation

Many enterprises use Splunk as the primary repository for native database logging and data activity monitoring (DAM) tools.

These logs can represent a significant amount of the data indexed in Splunk. Storing these logs enables adherence to compliance regulations but is often otherwise unused due to the lack of security context.

Organizations implement Imperva Data Security Fabric (DSF) as a database log pre-processor to Splunk to increase the value of raw logs. Imperva DSF filters, compresses, stores, and indexes the raw event data, making it available in Splunk via virtual indices. Analytics within Imperva DSF bridge user identity, data sensitivity, and attack detection, meaning that threat alerts include rich technical context and detection timelines. Security analysts have bidirectional access for interactive data exploration.

This approach enables organizations to increase the security value of their Splunk deployment and markedly reduces Splunk ingestion and development costs.

Data Security Fabric coverage diagram

How it works

Native logs from on-premises and cloud data repositories are forwarded to Imperva Data Security Fabric for pre-processing. Imperva enriches the information with context into users, access, and threats. Only the intelligence extracted from raw data is forwarded to Splunk, allowing Splunk to remain effective at incidence response and enterprise-level event correlation.

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Imperva Data Security Fabric protects all data types with a single system that delivers multiple business capabilities

Imperva Data Security Fabric is the first data-centric solution that enables your organization's security and compliance teams to quickly and easily secure sensitive data no matter where it resides with an integrated, proactive approach to visibility and predictive analytics.

Imperva Data Security Fabric is composed of cutting-edge orchestrated technical capabilities that work in unison to protect your data across your entire organization:

Data Risk Prioritization

Data Discovery & Classification

Data Activity Monitoring

Data Risk Analytics

Data Retention & Archive

Ecosystem Integrations

Data Encryption & Tokenization

Static Data Masking

Automated Workflows & Playbooks