New ADC Insight Services Continuously Push Business Application and Regulation Specific Intelligence to SecureSphere Appliances

FOSTER CITY, Calif., Jun 4, 2007 – Imperva®, the global leader in data security and compliance solutions for the data center, today announced Imperva ADC Insight Services, a continuously updated library of configuration packages that tailor SecureSphere gateways for the security, audit, and compliance needs of specific business applications and regulations. Created by the Imperva Application Defense Center, an internationally recognized security and compliance research organization, ADC Insights instantly set-up SecureSphere to monitor and protect SAP ERP and Oracle E-Business applications, and meet requirements for Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA and the PCI Standard. ADC Insights enable organizations to quickly and easily secure databases and meet regulatory pressures without in-depth knowledge of these applications or mandates.

“Enterprises don’t just have generic ‘web applications’ or ‘databases’ to run their businesses – they rely on business application suites like Oracle and SAP,” said Andrew Jaquith, Senior Analyst at Yankee Group. “The emergence of vertical, line-of-business and regulatory solutions shows that the application data security and compliance market is maturing. By packaging up reports and knowledge that address specific regulations and applications, solutions like Imperva’s help security teams support their businesses more efficiently, and speed time-to-value.”

Self-Contained Intelligence

In virtually every industry, organizations are subject to a myriad of business, legal and technical compliance requirements. To complicate matters, many companies run a mix of business applications on a variety of database platforms and operating systems. This diversity makes it extremely difficult and time consuming for IT departments to understand each system well enough to implement the appropriate security measures and controls necessary to satisfy regulatory or standards requirements.

To eliminate knowledge gaps that lead to security exposures and audit blind spots, ADC Insights immediately secure key business applications and streamline the compliance process. Each ADC Insight combines automated database assessments, configuration settings, attack signatures, policies, and packaged reports for a given application or standard. Organizations can apply multiple ADC Insights at the same time. For example, an on-line retailer that processes credit card transactions may choose to deploy both the Oracle E-Business and PCI Insight packages.

Continuous Security/Audit Lifecycle Management

ADC Insights bundle all of the intelligence needed to automate and shortcut the data protection and regulatory compliance process, including:

  • Data Structure Knowledge – pre-packaged definitions that cover where data is stored, which data is sensitive, and what constitutes normal usage
  • Targeted Assessment – automatically assesses application, database, and operating system for specific vulnerabilities and configuration problems
  • Best Practice Policies and Audit Controls – Implements rules and policies specific to the targeted business issue. For example mitigate known vulnerabilities in Oracle DBMS or enforce access control policies that provide separation of duties for SOX
  • Pre-built Reporting – contains reports that clearly identify risks and measure compliance against regulations and/or security policy
  • Automatic Updates – ADC Insights are continuously and automatically updated with new knowledge from the Imperva ADC

“Meeting regulatory requirements and securing complex enterprise systems requires in-depth knowledge of applications, database platforms, operating systems, and often vague compliance guidelines,” said Amichai Shulman, CTO and head of the Imperva ADC. “With the ADC Insight Services we have packaged the knowledge and expertise of our research organization into a set of turn-key solutions that go beyond simple reports, and automate database security and audit configuration from end-to-end.”

Pricing and Availability

ADC Insight Services are available as a subscription from Imperva and its business partners worldwide. Pricing is based on number of SecureSphere appliances and selected support option.

About SecureSphere

Imperva SecureSphere award-winning products deliver activity monitoring, audit and security for business applications and databases. SecureSphere products offer proven, automated capabilities for achieving, maintaining and documenting regulatory compliance. SecureSphere is the industry’s only complete business-critical data security and compliance solution that provides full visibility into data usage by the end-user, through the application and into the database. Automated feeds from the security and compliance experts at the Imperva Application Defense Center (ADC) ensure that SecureSphere is always armed with the latest defenses against new threats, and the most recent regulatory compliance best practices.

About Imperva

Imperva is the leader in application data security and compliance. Leading enterprise and government organizations worldwide rely on Imperva to prevent data theft and abuse, and ensure data integrity. The company’s SecureSphere products provide data governance and protection solutions that monitor, audit and secure business applications and databases. For more information, visit

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Editorial Contact

Marc Gendron
(781) 237-0341