SecureSphere Provides Row-Level Auditing and Alerts for Changes to Data Including Before and After Values; Does not Require Any Changes to Database or Applications

Foster City, CA, Mar 11, 2008 – Imperva®, the leader in application data security and compliance, today announced that its SecureSphere Database Security Gateways now automatically identify and alert organizations to suspicious changes to sensitive database values right down to the row level. Unlike trigger-based approaches that require intrusive modifications to the database, SecureSphere uses Redo logs to transparently monitor even the most fine-grained changes and pinpoint the users who executed them.

Tracking the most minute changes to database values is imperative for security, compliance, and fraud prevention purposes. The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act specifically mandates that publicly-traded companies control changes to financial information. Unauthorized changes to databases can lead to long and complex forensic investigations to uncover what data changed and restore the original values. For example, unauthorized changes to financial controls might expose an organization to undue risk due to the actions of rogue employees.

With its Track Value Changes capability, SecureSphere monitors and audits the values of a specific record or a subset of table rows both before and after changes are made. Combined with this granular visibility, SecureSphere allows organizations to set independent controls that generate alerts when changes made to data values violate pre-established policies or thresholds. For example, SecureSphere can recognize potentially fraudulent activity such as unusually large changes in credit card limits, excessive discounts in sales invoices, or dramatic decreases in product inventory levels.

“With Track Value Changes, SecureSphere makes it easy to implement controls that can detect fraud and enforce security policies as well as regulatory requirements,” said Amichai Shulman, CTO of Imperva. “Unlike conventional approaches for tracking value changes, SecureSphere does not force organizations to write invasive triggers, and can alert based on threshold or other policy violations in addition to recording before and after values.”

Maintaining Imperva’s goal of delivering simple, transparent security solutions, the SecureSphere Track Value Changes capability requires no changes to existing databases, no invasive database triggers, and no disruption to application processes. Alternative approaches to monitoring before and after values entail intrusive database changes. SecureSphere stores tracked changes in a secure, tamper-resistant repository, ensuring separation of duties.

Pricing and availability

The Track Value Changes module is available immediately with SecureSphere version 6.0. It is provided free of charge to all SecureSphere customers with current maintenance agreements.

About SecureSphere

Imperva SecureSphere award-winning products deliver activity monitoring, audit and security for business applications and databases. SecureSphere products offer proven, automated capabilities for achieving, maintaining and documenting regulatory compliance. SecureSphere is the industry’s only complete business-critical data security and compliance solution that provides full visibility into data usage by the end-user, through the application and into the database. Automated feeds from the security and compliance experts at the Imperva Application Defense Center (ADC) ensure that SecureSphere is always armed with the latest defenses against new threats, and the most recent regulatory compliance best practices.

About Imperva

Imperva is the leader in application data security and compliance. Leading enterprise and government organizations worldwide rely on Imperva to prevent data theft and abuse, and ensure data integrity. The company’s SecureSphere products provide data governance and protection solutions that monitor, audit and secure business applications and databases. For more information, visit

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Imperva and SecureSphere are trademarks of Imperva, Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Editorial Contact

Marc Gendron
(781) 237-0341