WP Imperva Cloud Data Security adds Azure SQL support to build on extensive DBaaS coverage | Imperva


Imperva Cloud Data Security adds Azure SQL support to build on extensive DBaaS coverage

Imperva Cloud Data Security adds Azure SQL support to build on extensive DBaaS coverage

It’s kind of mind boggling to see just how fast the market is adopting cloud managed database services (also referred to as DBaaS). According to market research firm Imarc Group, In 2020, the overall market size was $12.8 billion, and within five years it’s expected to reach over $31 billion. That’s more than 30% growth per year, starting from a very substantial installed base.

But as we all know, it’s dangerous out there, and organizations are scrambling to provide critical security and oversight capabilities for all these new databases. In fact, even as they are adopting DBaaS, 66% of organizations state that security is their number one concern, and 84% acknowledge that their traditional security tools and strategies won’t work in DBaaS environments.

That’s where Imperva Cloud Data Security (CDS) comes in. It provides an easy, safe and effective way to deliver critical protection for the databases they depend on. It’s cloud-native and SaaS-based, just like the managed database services it protects.

Expanding already broad DBaaS coverage with Azure SQL

One of the key reasons customers depend on CDS is its broad range of database integrations, delivering security to the managed databases services they use and depend on. That’s why we’re proud to announce that CDS has added Azure SQL to its already broad database coverage. With this addition, CDS supports the databases that power the overwhelming majority of the market’s total DBaaS usage.

Critical security features for DBaaS

While cloud service providers’ platforms are very safe, they focus on securing the infrastructure itself, not their customers’ data directly. In the shared responsibility models followed by all the major platform providers (shown here for AWS and Azure), customers are responsible for their data and controlling access to it.

CDS picks up where the infrastructure providers leave off, delivering the data security features customers need to stay safe. Here is a short list of some of the capabilities CDS provides above and beyond those built into the platforms.

  • Visibility & awareness – discovering you data wherever it is, and classifying data to locate the most sensitive, valuable information
  • Activity monitoring & alerting – identifying who is accessing sensitive data, alerting on policy violation
  • Security insights & analytics – identifying vulnerabilities and high-risk security posture, and detecting subtle activity patterns indicating a potential breach
  • Audit & compliance support – providing critical information required to support compliance with all major regulations

Learn more & try it out

Here is where you can get more information on CDS, including the full range of database types and platforms supported. There’s also a free 30-day trial available for CDS. In only a few minutes, you can connect your cloud infrastructure provider account to CDS and begin discovering and classifying your organization’s critical data. No database credentials, credit cards, or sales meetings involved.