WP Test Your Attack Readiness With Incapsula DDoS Resiliency Calculator


Test Attack Readiness With Incapsula DDoS Resiliency Score (DRS) Calculator

Test Attack Readiness With Incapsula DDoS Resiliency Score (DRS) Calculator

Aware of the risks and costs associated with DDoS attacks, most enterprises protect their websites and network infrastructure with some sort of mitigation solution. However, as the threat landscape continues to evolve, it’s getting harder to gauge your organization’s DDoS readiness and identify the soft spots in your defenses.

Jointly created by Imperva Incapsula and a security consulting firm Red Button, the DDoS Resiliency Score (DRS) calculator is a free online tool you can use to evaluate the effectiveness of your organization’s DDoS mitigation strategy.

The calculator measures your DDoS resiliency score based on a short questionnaire about your network infrastructure, security products and procedures.

The results are provided in a detailed report that includes:

  • Your DRS score, its meaning and implications
  • Technical evaluation of a virtual penetration test
  • Comparative analysis of your DRS within your business vertical
  • Suggestions for improving your security posture

Click here to generate your free DRS report.

DDoS Resiliency Score - 2

Example of a virtual penetration test appearing in a DRS report

What is the DDoS Resiliency Score?

The DRS indicates your organization’s ability to withstand various degrees of DDoS attacks. Its scoring mechanism is based on seven ascending levels of DDoS attacks, with each level introducing new assault types, more sophisticated attack vectors, and larger traffic volumes.

DDoS Resiliency Score

DRS report takes into an account attack volume and sophistication

Defensive requirements correspondingly increase, with each level requiring faster mitigation response times and less latency.

How is DRS calculated?

Based on extensive knowledge of DDoS attacks and the various protection solutions available, our expert system calculates DRS based on several factors. It includes:

  • Network capacity – DDoS attack vector volume is measured in bytes per seconds (Mbps), packets per second (PPS) and transactions per second (TPS). Volumes increase with each attack level.
  • Attack vector types – New attack vectors are introduced at each level, in addition to those previously used. For example, lower levels include SYN and UDP floods, while higher levels include HTTP JavaScript support and HTTPS headless browsers.
  • Attack sophistication – Assaults become more advanced and powerful—not only in terms of size and vectors used, but also in the internal properties of each attack. At each level, new properties are introduced that characterize more sophisticated and harder-to-detect attacks, such as IP address spoofing, URL randomization, obfuscation techniques and more.
  • Mitigation capabilities – Each level requires the organization to mitigate the attack more effectively, measuring parameters such as response time and latency during mitigation.
  • Internal procedures – The existence of well-defined policies for handling DDoS attacks—such as pre-emptive response planning, periodic DDoS testing and a dedicated DDoS response team—increases an organization’s resiliency level.

After examining these and other factors within the context of your specific network architecture, security posture and business environment, the DRS gives you an objective, quantitative evaluation of your DDoS threat resiliency.

The report helps organizations assess risk more accurately, pinpoint security gaps and improve existing DDoS mitigation practices.

Click here to generate your free DRS report.

*Complete technical documentation of the DRS standard, including attack vector specifications and score calculation procedures, is available here.