WP Cloud Data Security is Now Available in AWS Marketplace | Imperva


Cloud Data Security is Now Available in AWS Marketplace

Cloud Data Security is Now Available in AWS Marketplace

We’re pleased to announce that Imperva Cloud Data Security is now available in the Amazon Web Services Marketplace.

Database security shouldn’t be hard, so Imperva has made it simple. Imperva Cloud Data Security (CDS) is a SaaS solution specifically designed to secure organizations’ data stored in their AWS managed databases (DBaaS). It works with all database types available through Amazon RDS, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB, Oracle, and Amazon Aurora. You can try it out for free here.

For organizations that purchase solutions through AWS, buying CDS via the AWS Marketplace unlocks some great advantages. It minimizes procurement friction by consolidating vendors and billing. Buying CDS applies towards organizations’ AWS spending commitments. Since CDS participates in the Private Offers purchasing program, organizations can also negotiate customized terms, pricing and payment schedules.

Transform DBaaS security to keep up with digital transformation

We’re currently witnessing a huge transformation in how organizations store and use data. Industry analysts believe that by 2022, 75% of all databases will be deployed in the cloud. Imperva’s own research reveals that 96% of organizations are using DBaaS, and almost half of all organizations have 75% or more of their data in a DBaaS environment.

Why is this seismic shift happening? The short answer is because of the advantages DBaaS provides in cost, flexibility and agility. Cloud platform providers like AWS have made it extremely easy and inexpensive to provision new managed databases. The evolution toward DevOps processes to develop, test and deploy IT solutions has also resulted in a huge proliferation of managed databases in use.

With all this sudden and accelerating growth in DBaaS and the speed it brings, organizations are struggling to keep track of all the databases they use, let alone which ones hold sensitive, compliance-relevant information. How do they secure data they don’t even know about?

AWS secures the platform, but not your data

A common misconception among organizations using AWS DBaaS is that AWS’s default security protects their data. AWS does offer terrific security, but it only covers the infrastructure used for their DBaaS offerings. In other words, AWS DBaaS native security protects the platform, but not your data.

You can be confident that the underlying OS and database technologies used are fully protected. But as explained by AWS themselves in their shared responsibility model disclosure, they take no responsibility for what their customers put into their managed databases and what they do with it. It’s up to each organization to ensure their data is properly secured.

So what exactly do you need?

Security and compliance for DBaaS

Organizations need to be able to answer critical questions.

  • Where is our data? What databases do we have in AWS?
  • Where is our sensitive data located? Which databases hold personally identifiable information (PII), credit card numbers, patient record IDs, etc.?
  • Who is accessing sensitive information, or making high-privilege changes to our databases?
  • How do we put controls in place to monitor our security policies, and receive alerts about any violations?
  • How do we make sure we know about changes in our fast-changing DBaaS infrastructure, so that we can adapt our security efforts appropriately?

Apart from the fact that all this information is required for compliance with regulations such as PCI-DSS, SOX, HIPAA, GDPR and others, knowing these things is also essential to good security practice.

CDS delivers security in minutes

As a SaaS solution, CDS requires no software installation. Within a few minutes, CDS reveals the location and security status of all your data and begins alerting you when any violations of your security policies occur. At any time, you can also run comprehensive reports to support security reviews or compliance audits.

CDS will also help you identify security issues you didn’t even know existed, by developing a baseline understanding of typical user behavior, and notifying you when it detects atypical or unusual activity.

Simply put, CDS lets you find and resolve issues before they become compliance failures or data breach incidents.

CDS for AWS Marketplace Image

Why home-grown DBaaS security tools are not an option

AWS offers a lot of powerful tools and services for “builders” of IT solutions. In theory, these can be used to assemble a security solution for DBaaS. Some organizations we’ve talked to have tried to use this approach.

In practice, we’ve found that most of them underestimated the effort and simply don’t have the time or the skill set needed to assemble and maintain this kind of solution. What they thought would be a simple effort turned out to be a massive, ongoing project.

Security needs are not constant. Internal teams’ demands grow and change on a regular basis, requiring a level of scalability and flexibility that’s difficult for home-grown tools to match. By comparison, CDS offers a purpose-built, inexpensive, scalable SaaS alternative that focuses on your DBaaS security so you don’t have to.

Try it out

If you’d like to see for yourself how CDS can help address your AWS DBaaS security needs, check it out in the AWS Marketplace or explore it with a free 30-day trial.

Hear more about managed database services and Imperva Cloud Data Security from our experts in the webinar, How to Secure Sensitive Data in Database as a Service (DBaaS) Environments. Register now.

More information about CDS
Imperva helps you secure AWS databases in minutes
Blog: Is Your AWS Data Secure and Compliant? Cloud Database Visibility in Minutes
Five Steps to Ensuring Secure and Compliant AWS RDS
Imperva Cloud Data Security Data Sheet