WP Imperva Security Efficacy and Operational Efficiency Leads the Industry in SecureIQLab's Cloud WAAP Comparative Report | Imperva

Imperva Security Efficacy and Operational Efficiency Leads the Industry in SecureIQLab’s Cloud WAAP Comparative Report

Imperva Security Efficacy and Operational Efficiency Leads the Industry in SecureIQLab’s Cloud WAAP Comparative Report

In the 2024 Cloud Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) CyberRisk Comparative Validation Report from SecureIQLab, Imperva outperformed all other vendors in both security efficacy and operational efficiency. This comprehensive report, based on third-party testing, demonstrates Imperva’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions that empower organizations to navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape with confidence.

Raising the Bar for Security Efficacy

The Imperva Web Application Firewall (WAF) achieved a 98.8% overall security efficacy score, the highest among those tested. In the OWASP Web Application Firewall test, Imperva effectively mitigated the most critical web application and API vulnerabilities, scoring 99.3% compared to an average score of 88% across all other vendors. The high rate of blocking OWASP Top 10 threats demonstrates how Imperva can safeguard digital assets against the most prevalent and damaging attacks. 

Imperva also outperformed other vendors in Advanced Threat Coverage, blocking all bot attacks and DDoS attacks to earn scores of 100% in both categories. Comparatively, the average score across all other vendors was 65% for bot attacks and 92% DDoS attacks. 

Operational Efficiency: Streamlining Cybersecurity Operations

Operational efficiency is critical to organizations that are short on resources and managing alerts from many security tools. In operational efficiency tests, Imperva achieved an overall score of 99.1%. Imperva’s solution excelled in all five operational efficiency categories evaluated by SecureIQLab, including ease of deployment, ease of management, ease of risk management, scalable and elastic capabilities, and logging and auditing capabilities. 

This high level of efficiency demonstrates Imperva’s commitment to helping enterprises effectively protect their digital assets while maintaining agility and adaptability in an ever-changing business landscape.

Minimizing Disruptions

False positives can significantly disrupt business operations and increase operational overhead, making false positive avoidance a critical consideration for organizations. The Imperva WAF achieved a 99.97% score, ensuring that legitimate user activity is rarely mistakenly blocked, enabling businesses to operate smoothly while maintaining robust security. 

By minimizing false positives, Imperva’s solution reduces the need for manual intervention and analysis, freeing up valuable resources and enabling security teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. This level of accuracy and precision is a testament to Imperva’s advanced machine learning (ML) and threat intelligence capabilities, which continuously adapt and refine the solution’s detection and prevention mechanisms.

Imperva Recognized as Secure-by-Design 

In its report, SecureIQ Lab also recognized Imperva as a “Secure-by-Design” vendor. This designation is awarded to solutions that earn a perfect score in the WAAP vulnerability assessment. 

Imperva’s “Secure-by-Design” approach ensures that security is deeply ingrained in every aspect of its solutions, from architecture and design to implementation and ongoing maintenance. This proactive approach to security not only enhances the overall effectiveness of Imperva’s offerings, it also instills confidence in enterprises that their digital assets are protected by a solution that prioritizes security at its core.

Security Efficacy and Operational Efficiency Drive High ROSI

Return on Security Investment (ROSI) provides a holistic view of value, extending beyond traditional financial metrics to encompass the broader impact on an organization’s risk posture and overall security effectiveness. ROSI is a critical consideration for enterprises that quantifies the risk reduction achieved through security investments, enabling organizations to make informed decisions that align with their risk tolerance and business objectives. 

Imperva’s performance in SecureIQLab’s Cloud WAAP CyberRisk Comparative Validation Report directly translates into a high ROSI for its customers. The report’s findings highlight Imperva’s security efficacy, operational efficiency, and false positive avoidance capabilities, which combine to significantly reduce cyber risk and associated costs.

  1. Reduced Risk of Breaches and Attacks: With a 98.8% overall security efficacy score, Imperva’s solutions effectively mitigate the risk of successful cyber attacks, minimizing the potential for costly data breaches, system downtime, and reputational damage.
  2. Optimized Operational Costs: Imperva’s 99.1% operational efficiency score demonstrates its ability to streamline security operations, reducing the overhead associated with deployment, management, risk mitigation, and compliance efforts.
  3. Minimized Business Disruptions: Imperva’s 99.97% false positive avoidance score ensures that legitimate user activity is rarely mistakenly blocked, preventing unnecessary disruptions to business operations and associated revenue losses.


The SecureIQLab 2024 Cloud WAAP CyberRisk Comparative Validation Report solidifies Imperva’s position as the leader in web application and API protection solutions, delivering unmatched security efficacy, operational efficiency, and false positive avoidance. 

By choosing Imperva, organizations can rest assured that their digital assets are protected by a solution that has been rigorously tested and validated by independent third-party experts. This ensures they can focus on driving business growth and innovation without compromising security.